Designing for the Art of Participation
Kevin Callahan AIA NCARB LEED-AP, has extensive applied research experience in intense study of pre-historic and pre-electrical assembly spaces [aka “paleoacoustics”] all over the world.
In addition to natural “un-plugged” room acoustics, he also is acutely aware of the perceptual realities of human sensory cognition (sight, sound, touch, scent) in the built environment in understanding the entire experienced reality of cultural technological anthropology.
Kevin’s acoustic genesis began as a Bachelor of Architecture Degree (B. ARCH) Ball State University School of Architecture and a Masters of Architecture (M. ARCH II) The University of Notre Dame including acoustic study in Rome, Italy.
Every new project results in real world application seeking a philosophy of technology (technology means “art dialogue” in Greek) as a basis for design, application and operation of technical systems in Participatory Arts Centers in the world of experiential design.
So … yes, we can hear you loud and clear !
Kevin Callahan AIA NCARB LEED-AP, Sally Morgenthaler and Gary Verrill (aka +361 “experience evangelists”) have over 90 years collective experience in designing, producing and creating Participatory Arts Centers (as opposed to “Performing” Arts Centers) with a variety of artists in an equal variety of venue sizes and shapes.
So whether you are an author and/or producer of the story, an artist performing on the platform, or a theatre facilities director – we understand your world because this is our world too !!!
How rare to find such an in-house talent pool to come alongside you and help articulate your dream into reality. From Cirque du Soleil to the Local Community Volunteer Arts Troupe we come with informed minds and open ears to listen and collaboratively fashion the built environment to your unique vision.
Contact us to begin an interactive conversation about our shared passion, we look forward to meeting you soon !
Kevin, Sally and Gary – fellow “groundlings”
There is a significant difference between participating with people – as opposed to performing AT people – and Kevin Callahan AIA NCARB LEED-AP for many years has been at the forefront in designing unique Participatory Arts Centers all around the world.
From 300 seats to 3,000 seats to 30,000 seats to 300,000 seats he has created a nature-based 3-D mathematical fractal design approach unique to such participatory facilities resulting in cost efficient and cost effective participatory spaces.
The sky blue Callahan Studios logo indicates that “there can be new things under the sun” and that “the sky is the limit – not with budget – but with creativity“.
It begins with the artistic expression, then the Audio, Video, Lighting AVL Technical Systems, and then the Architecture to design unlimited adaptablility for an unknown future. Can you imagine an adaptability-based “inside-out and outside-in” comprehensive, integrated design built around your philosophy of technology ?!
Together we can !!!
Over 5 million people to date – and counting – have witnessed “experience-based design” firsthand in Participatory Arts Centers comprehensively designed in an intense, interactive “Design Workshop Process” by Kevin Callahan AIA NCARB LEED-AP since 1987.
There is no substitute in the design process for first-hand on-the-ground, in-ear, visual comprehensive experience both in the seat and in the tech booth as well as the production room and as a former “gaffer” himself, he understands both ends of the spectrum and everything in between.
With an understanding of the significance of story; the philosophy of technology to produce the story; and the resulting immersive personal experience in a collective environment – Kevin is uniquely talented in the realities of creative arts, unique in the practice of Architecture.
BTW – the Design Workshop Process is fun because we humans do our best creative work when we’re having fun!
Domestic Projects
Global Projects
Years Experience
Industry Lectures & Publications
Kevin is a very unique architect who not only understands acoustics, lighting and video technical systems – which is extremely rare in the architectural field – but he actually thinks like a producer in his interactive Design Workshop “inside-out” experiential-based design process resulting in immersive participatory environments that allows us as artists nearly limitless adaptable artistic potential
- Licensed Architect
- Natural Acoustics Designer
- Natural Lighting Desginer
- Conceptual Audio, Visual & Lighting Technical Systems Designer